Tripod Turnstiles
Tripod turnstiles have 3 arms and arms are at waist level. Currently, the most used models on the market are single-legged, double-legged and wall-mountable models. 100% stainless steel, produced in Turkey are ISO 9001-2000 turnstile system has the quality certifications such as CE. Our stainless steel turnstiles can be used with card reader, fingerprint reader and facial recognition devices, or if desired, can be controlled by coin, coin reader, button or remote control. In emergencies such as earthquake, flood and fire, fast escape can be achieved by getting trigger from other security systems and turning off the turnstile energy and turning the arm to waste. The design, material quality and dimensions can be changed according to customer requests. The led bars on the turnstile are normally red and turn green when authorized to pass. Turnstiles are one way; just as input or output can work, bidirectional; It can also work as input-output. Our turnstile systems are produced as single and double and they have technical service to be given by our expert teams after exporting to the whole world.
The sturdy can be installed easily thanks to it’s double-leg frame and longer profile compared to the other models. Turnstiles accept and work with a wide variety of proximity, magnetic or biometric readers. Turnstile, which can be used internallyand externally, is constructed with stainless steel. It’salso available painted with electrostatic powder paintin a color of your choice. The greatest advantage of the mechanism is itsmonoblock welded construction. In some turnstilebrands, the mechanism is attached to the turnstile bodyby bolts and screws. In contrast, the head mechanismof turnstiles are manufactured as a singleintegrated block welded to the body. Thanks to suchrobust construction, there is no slacking or deformationin the turnstile mechanism over time. Turnstile can be used both unidirectionallyand bidirectionally thanks to its electromechanicdesign. Selection of direction can be configured easilyby the client’s authorized security personnel. Accessright can be denied or granted remotely.